Today is World Mental Health Day & National Hug A Drummer Day - as you can imagine at Inspire-Works we have a lot to say about both!

We all have mental health” was a great title for a 2018 campaign by the Anna Freud charity with an animation aimed at 11-14 year olds. At Inspire-Works, one thing we're focused on more than ever is being aware of our own mental health as leaders, teachers and facilitators - we all have mental health.

Caring for the Carer

In the education sector, so many of us are always giving out to ensure the wellbeing of the children under our care is the best it can be. But it's also really important to take care of ourselves too. When was the last time you took a moment to congratulate yourself on what you have managed to achieve during your day, rather than focus on how much left is to do on your to-do list? Be kind to yourself!

Why hug a drummer?!

In a band, the drummer can often be the musician who is left out. For example, they don't play a melodic or harmonic instrument so often have little to contribute in band discussions. The drummer is also often isolated behind a perspex screen which (I speak from much experience!) can make the drummer feel different and separate from the band. Drummers often laugh off jokes about drummers, and some of them are very funny, but humour can often mask real feelings. It's not just the drummer that needs checking in on - how often do we check in on everyone else in the band, or our colleagues or friends?

How is everyone you're working with today?

Although National Hug A Drummer Day might be slightly tongue-in-cheek, it does encourage us to check in on others, and not assume they're ok. You never know, you might be the only person who has asked them today how they're doing and that could change their day from a negative one to a positive one.

How can group-drumming help?

All of the questions and thoughts above are explored in the Rhythmic Reflections and Rhythmic Breathing parts of the Drumbeatable Programme which have been proven in neuroscience studies to reduce stress and anxiety, boost immune systems and reduce burn-out. When I've been facilitating these elements of the programme with young people, as I've also been a participant, they've also greatly improved my mental health too!

If you like the sound of this, why don't you sign up to our next Drumbeatable Programme Facilitator Training on 22nd September 5pm-7pm. Can’t make the date? No problem - sign up anyway and we’ll send you the recording. 

The Drumbeatable Programme Facilitator Training features: 

  • 2-hour Facilitator Training via Zoom 

  • 80-page Facilitator Guide PDF with evaluation framework, sample lesson plans, lesson templates, risk assessment template, links to neuroscience research 

  • 44 Play-along videos 

  • Facilitator Guidance videos 

  • Termly mentoring via Zoom & unlimited email support.